| I Am Not The Only One |

by - 10:33 AM

This past week, was one for the birds. Kids were wild, husband got sick, and I just had one too many moments of frustration and impatience. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one struggling to feel better about myself as a mother, and a wife. Especially in the moments where I want to pull my hair out more than anything else.

Then I stop and think to myself, I can't be the only one. There's no way I'm the only one with kids who decided to fight more than play nice, on the day daddy gets sick. I can't be the only one who repeats myself more than a broken record player, because every "please do not touch that" or "please stop jumping on the couch" goes in one ear and out the other, only in the matter of a split second. Am I the only one cleaning up spilled cereal all over the floor at 7am because it was "too close to the edge"--as my five year old told me, and again cleaning up spilled juice because he wanted to do it himself? I just know I am not the only one having days filled with ample amount of timeouts (sometimes more needed for me than the children) and having picked up toys that were spewed all over the living room floor for the 13th time in what seemed like only an hour.

I told Ryen to stop jumping from couch to couch at least 10 times one day, and then he hit his head and started crying. It may sound bad, but I almost couldn't feel bad for him because if he just would have listened the first time (and there goes my mother coming out of my mouth) then he would not have gotten hurt. But, then I'm reminded of something-- I remember my mother telling me multiple times not to do something over and over again, and I just wouldn't listen. Maybe it's true when they say we just have to learn for ourselves?

So, there may be days where I'm constantly doing dishes, and picking up clothes and dirty underwear--because they just couldn't make it to the laundry basket for some odd reason, and saying "no" "please don't hit your bother" "just listen the first time" "because I said so" + "get that out of your nose/mouth" more times than I would like to admit. But, as much as I ask myself if I am the only mother going through this, I know that I'm not. Somewhere out there is another mom stomping to her room and shutting the door behind her, just so she can collect herself and maybe even scream into the pillow on her bed, because she doesn't want to loose her patients. There is always another mom working non stop to keep up with her day-to-day life, making sure everyone is happy. I am not the only one. As much frustration as some days can bring, I know that just like me, there are other mothers so filled with joy and happiness because of the love their children bring them. If you are the mom who thinks you are failing, you're not! All the good days, and the adventure of being a mom, make up for the sometimes crappy days-- and that's more than I could ever ask for.

Life is this brilliant thing filled with so much chaos, mistakes, and ups and downs. But, it's also filled with a lot of love, happiness, and adventure, and I refuse to dwell on the frustrating days. Rather, I want to stop and take a deep breath and remind myself that tomorrow is a new day. And because today is Saturday, and I love Saturdays.

So, here's to you moms. The ones who make mistakes, and think they've failed. The ones who love their kids more than anything this world could bring. All of you, are doing it right. Don't forget to give yourself some credit.

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