A little about us.

Hi, I'm Shannon! Welcome to the Daily Hankes Mischief blog, I'm so happy you could join us on this journey we call life. We subside in a tiny town in hot + sunny Florida about 5 minutes from the beach. Ryen is our oldest, just turning FIVE this past August, and is in Kindergarten. He's a very happy, energetic, stubborn little boy who loves to be outside riding his bike or playing in the dirt. Silas is our youngest and will be TWO in February. Looking like his dad's clone with his blonde hair and facial features, and has mommies sweet heart and mellow personality. He loves juice, nap time, being independent and just straight chillin'. Matt joined the Army reserves in January of 2013, is currently working on his Bachelors degree, + working hard to move up in his career. He's goofy, funny, brilliant and stubborn all rolled into one amazing man! We have been married since March 24, 2012 and fall more + more in love with each passing day.

A Little More About Me:

I came into the world on April 28,1991 along with my wombate Samantha.
My parents divorced when I was 5, and my mother remarried my step dad, who is more like my real father than any other. I'm obsessed with music & not many know it, but I do sing. I was apart of the praise team at my old church for many years, but since attending a new church I have recently stopped. I volunteered on a ranch when I was younger, because my parents couldn't afford the one thing I would put at the top of my christmas list ever since I could speak and that was a horse, so volunteering meant I could ride for free and spend a lot of my time doing so. I still to this day have a dream of one day owning a ranch with lots and lots of animals.

I have been a christian all of my life, but an imperfect one at that. Thank goodness for my saviors grace he's put upon me. I made many mistakes as a young girl and teenager due to cruel events that took place as a child, which then led to what changed my life forever. I fell for a boy & got pregnant at 17 years old. I went through my whole senior year with a growing belly, but because of my pregnancy and my willingness to grow up, it was the first year I got all A's and B's and graduated with my CNA license.  When I had Ryen I quickly realized that the boy I once fell for was not the person I needed in my life and I made a lot of changes. I soon met my husband who is the most amazing, brilliant, charming man I could have ever been honored to have to privilege of spending the rest of my life with. I am a stay at home mom with our two handsome boys. My husband joined the army in the beginning of 2013 & that is also when I took on the toughest job in the world as being an Army Wife.

Things I enjoy are the time well spent with my best friend & husband Mattchew, playing with my little boys, being able to shower with no interruptions, sushi, hot coffee, doing my hair and makeup, animals, a good book, and a good friend when one comes along. I think this is long enough, one of these days I will blog about certain moments in my life so you all can get to know me. 

xoxo, Shanz
