Blogging Break

by - 1:12 PM

Man oh man it has been a while since I've blogged. Lets face it, I was in over my head thinking I could blog everyday! Between the holiday chaos, family coming in to town, and working I just haven't had the time. Not to mention it's 3 days until Christmas and I still have presents to purchase and wrap, family dinners, events on Christmas eve, and rushing around Christmas day before toting off to work for the rest of that evening. Besides which, I like to write in peace and quiet, but I have gained two extra adults, a toddler, a newborn, and two dogs in my house for the holidays so it hasn't exactly been writer friendly. I'm not complaining in any way though, I would much rather be spending the chaos with my beautiful family than not. I do have a special Christmas Eve blog planned with some other ladies and some recipes and DIY's, but aside from that I may be absent for just another week or so, so that I'm focusing my time on much more important things. I hope you all enjoy the holiday's and have a very Merry Christmas!! 

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