Motherhood From Every Angle: Featured On Beauty And The Binky

by - 4:11 PM

A bit about me:
Hiya! My name is Shannon and I’m a (almost) 24 year old stay at home/work every other weekend mom. I was 17 years old when I fell pregnant with my first son, who is now 5 and a half years old. I have been learning and striving every moment since. I have been married to my husband, Matt, three years this March and we have a 1 year old son.  You might be thinking I once was the typical teen mom society makes out to be, but I’m proud to say I beat those odds. I learned from my careless decision, and I took what life threw at me and made it into the best thing that could have happened to me. God has blessed me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. My husband joined the Army Reserves January of 2013 and he also works for a local company in our town. I work as a residents aid every other weekend for extra money at a local assisted living. Although lately I’ve had some writer’s block, I built up a blog of my own for a bunch a randomness that goes on in my life. Between doing for my kids, husband, and the residents at my job, I needed something for me. I have recently taken up photography, which I’m sure my kids are thrilled to be the highlight of every photo I take. Being a mother is everything I hoped it would be, and so much more. It’s messy, frustrating, and challenging. It’s filled with a lot of love, laughter, snot, and dirty diapers. But, most of all it’s an adventure! How lucky am I to have, not one, but TWO little humans who love me just as much as I love them?
Describe your mommy uniform:
I wasn’t sure there was such a thing called “mom uniform” but, if I were to have one, it normally consists of a mom bun, jeans, loose shirt, and my Chucks. And that’s IF it’s between the months of November and February. Any time after that it’s normally shorts, a tank, and most days a bathing suit. We live in Florida, and it’s hot and humid more than half the year so we like to spend that time at the pool or the beach.
mommy uniform bathing suit
What is your strategy when getting ready for the day?
I have about 2 strategies when it comes to getting ready for the day. My husband and I alternate taking our oldest to school, because our youngest likes to sleep in past 8:30am most days. So, if I’m the one taking Ryen to school, I like to get up around 6:45am and throw on a t-shirt and some jeans. After I get Ryen out of bed, make sure he is dressed, and make his breakfast, I will go brush my teeth and throw my hair up into a bun. Let’s face it; unless I’m going out later that night, my hair just stays put on top of my head. It’s really a shame! The second strategy I have is, if I have nothing going on that day aside from picking my oldest up from school, my youngest, Silas, and I stay in our pajamas until after noon. Hey, you wanted real, and that’s as real as it gets.  I will get Silas dressed after lunch and right before he goes down for a nap and then I will get ready for the day while he is napping. It’s easier than being interrupted every 2 seconds from a toddler trying to play in the toilet.
What is your favorite clothing item?
That’s a tough one. I’m really your average jeans and T girl, but if I had to pick one it would be my Bullhead jean shorts and my v-neck black T-shirt from Pink’s Victoria Secret.  It’s comfortable and just my style.
mommy uniform
Describe your cleaning/organization routine:
Organization? What’s that?  I feel like I’m constantly picking up toys and clothes spewed across the floors. But, everyday I try to make sure all dishes are put in the dishwasher and ready to be ran that night. I also like to sweep the floors at least once a day and make sure the clutter is picked up and put away from off the floors and kitchen counters. Making the beds is another big deal to me because I feel like it makes the house, or at least the rooms, look so much more clean.
What is the one household chore that you wish you were better about?
My husband would agree to this 100%. LAUNDRY! It’s not the washing and drying part that I’m bad at; it’s the folding and putting away. I don’t know why I’m so bad about it, but it could sit in the basket for days on end before I finally give in and just do it! I do all laundry at least once a week, and it’s something I’ve been working on to just get it all folded and put away as soon as it’s done in the dryer.
What gives you the most mommy guilt?
As a mom, I tend to feel guilty about something at least once a day. I have two big things though. One is buying something for myself. Something that isn’t needed but that I really just want. I almost always put it back as I’m walking around the store, and If I don’t as soon as I get into the car after said purchase, the little voice in my head starts yelling at me for spending money on myself instead of saving it for the kids or for something needed. The second thing is getting distracted by my own things when I could be playing or spending time with the kids. For example, right now as I’m writing this all out my youngest is trying to nap and my oldest is watching a movie. Lately, I’ve been working on leaving my phone on the charger in another room so that I’m not constantly checking my emails or Instagram. I have to constantly remind myself that they won’t be little forever and one day I will be wishing I had more to do than to sit on my phone or computer all day.
What gives you the most mommy pride?
I love how affectionate and smart my kids are growing to be. Today in the car my almost 6 year old started asking me questions about God and babbling on about other things just like it. When I asked him if he believed in God, he said, “Of course mommy! Jesus died on the cross for me and one day I will go to heaven.” As a giant smile reached across my face, I quietly thought to myself, “You must be doing something right.” It brings such joy and pride to my heart knowing that I’m teaching my children about the love of God and it makes me even happier knowing that they are listening. When I hear them randomly say they love me, or randomly, without asking, come hug and kiss me, it makes me so proud knowing that I’m raising sweet and kind gentlemen.

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