One Year Older: Silas Kade

by - 7:40 AM

It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital about to give birth to you, and I just can't believe it's been two years! Before you were born, I would lay awake in bed at night worried that I wouldn't have enough love for two children. I already loved your brother more than I've loved anything or anyone else, how was it possible to love anymore? The second I laid eyes on you, my worry was dissolved in an instant. My heart has been busting at the seams with love and joy, and Silas, you have made this world a much happier place.

Your dad and I have loved every minute of being your parents, and you have completed our family. You are sweet, silly, and charismatic. Although mostly mellow, you bring out a sense of wild and adventure with every day. You are becoming such a smart little boy, and you are a joyful spirit in every ones lives. You are papas boy, and every time we tell you we are "going to papas" your little face lights up and you can't get out the door fast enough. You love your brother Ryen more than anything else, watching every move he makes, trying to be just like him. You are a spitting image of your daddy, and have him wrapped around all ten of your sweet fingers.

You are a typical boy and love anything that has wheels. Trucks, trains, planes, and cars are a must have in this house and everywhere we go! Your rebellious side is slowly coming out as I cringe every time you attempt jumping off of the couch. You love to be outside and could care less if it's raining, freezing, or 100 degrees. You have lots of teeth and enjoy showing them off with your cheesy smiles. Your blanky hasn't left your side since the day you were born, and even shortly after it earned a significant smell that reminds me of you. You cry every time I have to wash it.

I can't believe how much has changed in just these two years. You've grown so fast and so big! Being your mom has made my heart so full, and I just love the way you love me. I love the way you put your little hands on my face to give me kisses. I love the way it feels when you wrap your arms around my neck to give me a "squeeze". And boy, oh boy, do I LOVE to hear you say "I love you"! Those are the best words I've ever heard out of you and your brothers mouth and it reminds me just how amazing being both your moms truly is.

A part of me wishes I could stop time right on its tracks, because I'm just not ready for you to grow up. But, the other part of me makes me so proud watching you learn so much and grow into this precious little boy, full of love and life! This world can be such a scary and cruel place, but some how you managed to make it beautiful and fun. I could never express to you just how much I love you, but I pray so hard everyday that you know it! Thank you for being the missing piece to the puzzle. Thank you for being so loving and so sweet. Thank you for bringing so much joy to your me and your fathers life. Thank you for being YOU! Happy second birthday baby boy! I hope you always stay kind and unique, with a heart full of love.

Silas' Birth Day!

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