| Hankes Vacation: Blue Ridge, Georgia |

by - 5:59 AM

^^ The best capture of the week! ^^

^^ Even on vacation, sometimes attitudes happen. ^^

^^ Missing a couple people in the family photo. ^^

Fathers day week/weekend we spent some time in the beautiful mountains of Blue Ridge, Georgia with my in-laws. We don't vacation much, but when we do we appreciate every bit of it! I got to wake up every morning and sit on the back porch with a hot cup of coffee, listening to the birds sing, breathing in the crisp mountain air, and watching the kids play. We hiked to a gorgeous (and freezing) waterfall, spent an afternoon in town looking in all the old shops and having lunch at a new place, had smores in the backyard of our cabin, shot BB guns, tubed down the river while Silas slept on me the whole time, made crafts, played games after the kids went to bed, and best of all spent a lot of time laughing with family. It's always a good time with the Hankes'.

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