| Fourth of July: 2015 |

by - 5:27 PM


(My twin sister & her soon to be husband)

F R I D A Y: Matt had off of work so we were happy to start a three day weekend as a family. We hung out at the pool for the first part of the day, went fishing at the river, took the kids to the park and Jax to the dog park, had a delicious dinner at a local hangout and restaurant also located on the river, and came home to relax and watch a bit of SOA after the kids went off to bed.

S A T U R D A Y: We woke up early to pack the car and head to the beach for the day. We set up Kan Jam, buckets & shovels, lathered on lotion, and became the beach bums all Floridians should be. Straight from the beach we checked out Playalinda Brewery, to taste their newest beer and eat hotdogs with good people. And of course, we did want any American would do to celebrate the freedom of this country; BBQ and fireworks. 

S U N D A Y: Was spent recuperating, staining wood for some wedding projects of my twin sisters, and snuggling up real close to my sweet husband as we drifted off to sleep. I love weekends like that. Happy birthday 'Merica. 

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