Bumpdate | 10 weeks pregnant

by - 11:02 AM

Starting weight: 110lbs
Weight now: 106lbs
Total weight gain: -4lbs

Last ultrasound: 9 weeks. Heartrate of 162bpm.

How far along? 10 weeks 3 days

Baby Stats: Baby is the size of a prune (or kumquat) 1.2 inches long and about .14oz.

Total weight gain: last appointment I actually lost 4lbs. So we will check back in on this at 11 weeks!

Maternity clothes? Not yet, but I'll be there shortly. My regular jeans are a little snug at the top so I've been wearing my belly band with those. Mainly been living in leggings these days though.

Stretch marks? No new ones from my previous babes.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm pretty much nauseous from the minute I wake up to the minute I drift off in the evenings. I pretty much throw up as soon as I get out of the car in the evenings. I didn't know car sickness was a real thing until now. Also, chicken is a big NO! I can't even talk about it, so moving on.

Sleep: Pretty much all I want to do these days! I feel bad for my sweet hubby who has to deal with me falling asleep on him during movies, and I'm almost always the first to pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow. If you're reading this Matthew, I promise it won't last forever!

Food cravings: I feel like I have a new craving every other day! Tortilla chips with shredded cheese and sour cream, baked potato. The weirdest one yet was me sending Matt to the store to get me spaghettios and a bag of blow pops.

Symptoms: morning sickness has turned into all day sickness. Slight heartburn. The girls are sore and uncomfortable. Vivid dreams. Breaking out on face and upper back. Extreme tiredness. Have to pee often. Oh the joys of first trimester craziness.

Best moment this week:  Nothing pregnancy related, but our oldest Ryen started T-ball practices Tuesday and Wednesday and we are proud to say he loves it! Looking forward to his upcoming games.

Miss Anything? I miss feeling like a human being. Not feeling like I have to throw up all day, and I miss loving on my hubby.

Movement: Nope! We will get to this next trimester!

Gender: We are going green! So excited to be surprised on birth day!

Labor Signs: We will get to this question around 36 weeks.

Belly Button in or out? In the middle. That sucker will be a turkey timer in the coming weeks. It never had a chance with my other two pregnancies and I doubt it will this time around.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: oh boy. Well it really just depends. For the first couple of weeks I was more emotional than anything. Crying about everything with very little patience. This week seems to be a bit better, having only cried once after I hung my head in the toilet. I believe my words to my husband were, "I just want to feel normal again".

Looking forward to: Not being sick! I am so SO over this continual nausea and not knowing when I'll need to throw up next. I'm also looking forward to having some energy back, feeling gummy bear move, and growing a belly. This will most likely be my last pregnancy, and although lately it's been really hard, I honestly want to cherish every bit of these next 29 weeks. So as soon as I'm not hugging the toilet at least twice a day, I plan to soak in every bit of this pregnancy. I mean, I am growing a human being with my own body, and that is pretty dang awesome!

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