Bumpdate | 12 Weeks Pregnant

by - 3:48 PM

Starting weight: 110lbs
Weight now: 108lbs
Total weight gain: -2lbs

Next Ultrasound: 15 weeks
Heart rate at last appointment: 174bpm

How far along? 12 weeks 5 days

Baby stats: Baby is the size of a large plum. 2.5 inches long and bout .5oz.

Total weight gain: No weight gain yet, but I did go back up 2lbs from 10 weeks.

Maternity clothes? I just received my first few pairs of maternity jeans and have been wearing them. Although not as snug as I would like them to be, my regular jeans are now too tight and having to be held together with the hairband method. 

Stretch marks? Still no new ones since my previous pregnancies.

Anything making you queasy or sick? This is really a hit or miss subject with me, but I can say this is the sickest I’ve been out of all my pregnancies. I am not as nauseous during the day as I was in my previous weeks, but I still throw up at least once a day, and it’s usually first thing in the morning or before bed. Most meat is also a hit or miss, I’m not as disgusted by chicken as I was before, but it changes everyday.

Sleep: Still tired all the time. I sleep like a baby aside from the once or twice my bladder wakes me up in the middle of the night and the wee hours of the morning (say 4:30am every. single. day.)

Food cravings: This also changes a lot. Mainly I just want something specific everyday. I wanted a taco salad the other day, which my husband so kindly ordered for me for take-out, but it quickly all came out into the big porcelain white bowl. So far this baby has no idea what he/she wants.

Symptoms: Throwing up. Excessive amounts of spit in my mouth. Gums are swollen and sore. And my sciatic pain hit hard in my 11th week. I had that late in my pregnancy with Silas, and it came way earlier than I would have preferred this time around. Still having vivid dreams, ache has moved to, not only my face, but my back as well, fatigue and have to pee often.

Best moment this week: The all-day-nausea has gone away. Although I am still hanging my head in the toilet at least once a day, I’m not nauseous all day long like I was before and it has helped me get off the couch and get things done! Also, a side note to last bumpdate, Ryen LOVES Tball and had his first scrimmage. He did so great and had a blast.

Miss anything? If I’m being honest here, I miss wine and beer a whole heck of a lot. I didn’t really drink much before, just the occasional glass, but for some reason it is so missed now that I can’t have it.

Movement? Not yet.

Gender: It’s a SURPRISE! 

Labor Signs: We will get to this around 36 weeks.

Belly Button in or out? Still in the middle, though slowly but surely turning into an outty.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: I am pleased to say I feel as though my emotions are much more under control. I cry easily, sometimes at both unhappy and happy things, but I am definitely not as moody as I was in my 10th week and before. Hopefully my husband can attest to this.

Looking forward to: My next appointment, not throwing up ever ever again, and feeling the baby move. I also can’t wait to have a nice plump baby belly.

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