Bumpdate | 14 Weeks Pregnant

by - 1:00 PM

Starting weight: 110lbs
Weight now: 109lbs
Total weight gain: -1lbs

Next Ultrasound: 15 weeks
Heart rate at last appointment: 174bpm

How far along? 14 weeks

Baby stats: Baby is the size of a lemon. 3 inches long and about 1.5oz.

Total weight gain: Gained 1lbs since week 12, but still not past my pre-pregnancy weight. 

Maternity clothes? Yes! I still wear some of my normal pants, but they no longer button, so my belly band is apart of everyday wear unless I’m wearing maternity jeans.

Stretch marks? Still no new ones since my previous pregnancies.

Anything making you queasy or sick? I can finally, FINALLY say I am on the mend! I only throw up maybe once a week, and it’s usually if I waited too long to eat. Still not a fan of fish or chicken much, or their smells, but pickers can’t be chooser’s right?

Sleep: Seem to be tossing and turning a lot more lately, like I can’t get comfortable, and the nighttime heartburn has made a nice home in my chest. But, I am not getting up as much to use the restroom so that is a plus!

Food cravings: Nothing new this week, although I did get to satisfy a sushi craving last week. (don’t worry it was not raw) 

Symptoms: Heartburn, ligament pain, still excessive spit in my mouth, STILL acne, and lot’s of sciatic pain.

Best moment this week: Today exactly I have been feeling tiny little flutters in the same exact spots every time I relax on the couch! I thought I was feeling them last night but wasn’t sure, until I got the same ones today and more often. I can’t believe this moment is already making it’s appearance. 

Miss anything? I still miss wine. And beer. And mojitos. A lot. Sigh

Movement? Little baby flutters!

Gender: It’s a SURPRISE! 

Labor Signs: We will get to this around 36 weeks.

Belly Button in or out? Still in the middle, though slowly but surely turning into an outty.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: This has been a bit up and down the past week. Sadness comes at the most random times, and for no reason at all. Oh hormones..

Looking forward to: My 15 week appointment and my 4 year anniversary this month with my wonderful hubby!

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