Bumpdate | 16 weeks pregnant

by - 10:28 AM

Starting weight: 110lbs
Weight now: 107lbs
Total weight gain: -3lbs

Next Ultrasound: 19 weeks (anatomy scan)
Heart rate at last appointment: 154bpm

How far along? 16 weeks 1 day

Baby stats: Baby is the size of a dill pickle. 4 1/2 inches long and about 4oz.

Total weight gain: I have actually lost weight yet again. Still not past my pre pregnancy weight.

Maternity clothes? Yes! I am officially out of my regular clothes. I did just purchase some comfy stretchy shorts and tanks a size up from my normal sizing.

Stretch marks? Still no new ones since my previous pregnancies.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Well, I was out of the ball park, and then one random day I almost couldn’t make it to the toilet. I felt like I was back at week seven hurling all my food into the porcelain bowl. BUT, the past 4 or 5 days I feel great.

Sleep: The past 2 weeks I have been tossing and turning so much. It is probably time to invest in some sort of body pillow. I also am getting up 1-2 times to pee.

Food cravings: Tuna sandwiches! Toasted with melted cheese, tuna with mayo and hot sauce, with BBQ chips inside. Delish! Also, gimme all the lemons. I’ve been putting many slices in my water and tea and it’s great!

Symptoms: Super light headed and quite often. I’ve got to remember to keep snacks and a drink on hand at all times. Yesterday during my clients photo shoot, I had to take a break and grab a sprite from the vending machine as I was starting to sweat and see spots. No fun. Although I am finally getting some energy back, I get spurts of exhaustion some days. I am also starting to get a giant lopsided belly in the mornings when I wake, with my uterus protruding into a ball. So freaky.

Best moment this week: Non baby related: my husband planned a super sweet date evening and totally, BIG TIME surprised me with a trip to Hawaii all by myself next month!! I am still in shock, and pretty much the luckiest lady on the planet. I’ve been quite stressed the past month, and my emotions haven’t been friendly to me this pregnancy and my honey knew exactly what I needed to have a small break from life. Best moment as far as the baby is concerned: I have a little jumping jelly bean in my uterus! I feel him/her moving constantly and I know it won’t be too much longer before my hubby and it’s siblings gets to feel them as well.

Miss anything? Beer and wine. I’ll just leave it at that.

Movement? Lots of baby from the inside.

Gender: It’s a SURPRISE! 

Labor Signs: We will get to this around 36 weeks.

Belly Button in or out? That bad boy is on its way out.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Still, up and down. The past couple of days I have felt amazing. But, last week I was a ball of mess.

Looking forward to: My 19 week appointment and ultrasound! Also, this Saturday I am joining my husband for our very first military ball. Praying I can still squeeze into the gown by then.

- I will probably start doing weekly updates around 20 weeks, but for now not much happens in a week so I like to keep it biweekly. Also, I'm thinking about doing a Q&A blog, so any questions you all have please comment them. OR if you have any specific blogs you want to read let me know.

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