Bumpdate | 18 weeks pregnant

by - 2:51 PM

Starting weight: 110lbs
Weight now: 114.4lbs
Total weight gain: 4.4lbs

Next Ultrasound: 19 weeks (anatomy scan)
Heart rate at last appointment: 154bpm

How far along? 18 weeks 4 days

Baby stats: Baby is the size of a sweet potato! About 6 inches long and 6.7 ounces.

Total weight gain: 4 pounds

Maternity clothes? Yes! I am officially out of my regular clothes. I can still squeeze into a lot of my shirts, but all pants and shorts are now maternity.

Stretch marks? Still no new ones since my previous pregnancies.

Anything making you queasy or sick? I am so pleased to say that I have not thrown up in about 2 weeks! Although I still gag on my toothbrush when brushing my teeth, My morning sickness is pretty much gone. I am able to eat chicken again, but I am not a fan of anything fishy (aside from tunafish sandwiches) right now!

Sleep: Some days are better than others. I get up about once a night/early morning to pee, and I still am tossing from side to side. 

Food cravings: This week it’s been cookie dough.

Symptoms: Still get pretty light headed at least once a day. My dreams have been crazy intense! Since I was a little girl I have always had really vivid dreams, most of which I can still remember to this day, but these pregnancy dreams are no joke! My back has been starting to ache a bit, and my sciatic nerve pain just keeps getting worse, especially when I am sitting in uncomfortable seats. I have also been quite achy in the uterus area from stretching.

Best moment this week: (past two weeks) We went to our very first military ball! Also both Matt and I were able to feel baby H kick on the outside, and I am starting to feel it a couple times a day now on my hands! He/she is getting quite active in there.

Miss anything? Beer and wine. I’ll just leave it at that.

Movement? Inside and out now! Started feeling inside at 14 weeks, and felt outside kicks right at 18.

Gender: It’s a SURPRISE! 

Labor Signs: We will get to this around 36 weeks.

Belly Button in or out? That bad boy is on its way out.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: This still fluctuates. Most days I am happy, but random days I will find myself crying for the most ridiculous things.

Looking forward to: Our anatomy scan on Tuesday, even though we won’t be finding out the gender! I still can’t wait to see how big this babe has gotten. Also, at 20 weeks I will be on a plane to Hawaii and I am more than ecstatic! 

Be on the lookout for weekly bump dates now! And also a blog post on my trip to Hawaii!

18 weeks
16 weeks

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