Gender Reveal | Baby Hankes 3

by - 5:58 AM

Gender Reveal Youtube Video ^

Watch the video first to find out what our new bundle of joy will be! It's no fun if you read before watching..... Don't worry, I'll wait.

Okay, so if you are here I'm assuming you now know baby Hankes number 3 is a bouncing baby BOY! We just can't believe that we are soon going to be parents to three little boys! Although yesterday's reveal BBQ was also supposed to be a surprise for Matt and I, due to some unfortunate circumstances with a loss in my sisters family, she had to fly out of state on very short notice. And, because we wanted her to be the one to reveal it to us, she planned a private reveal for us last Thursday evening. So, fooled you, we already knew! 

All this time we were praying hard for a girl, we felt we just needed it after two boys and this being our last baby. Both Matt and I have pictured having a daughter in our life, and if we are being honest we shed a lot of tears Thursday night snuggled in bed together. Disappointment happens, and it is normal, but after we allowed some time to be sad about it, we quickly thanked God for blessing us once again, even when we don't deserve it. I mean, he is trusting us to parent another beautiful boy once again! That in itself is a blessing, and we are so excited to meet him.

Now, I know you all are wondering why we decided not to wait until the very end to find out the gender, and it is simply because we didn't want to. We also felt our reason for waiting was a bit selfish, because we thought that if we waited, we wouldn't be as disappointed if it were another boy. But lets face it, any healthy baby is exactly what we were asking for, regardless of the gender. Also, because this is our last baby we really wanted to do a nursery! So, now we have all the information we need to make it into everything we pictured.

We are so thrilled! We cannot wait to meet our third baby boy in August, and we are so happy that we get to share this special time in our lives with each and every one of you. 

Not everything will be revealed! We may have caved in finding out the gender, but our baby's name is TOP SECRET! You can do all the guessing you want, maybe we will have a prize after the birth if someone guesses correctly, but you will not know until we announce it after baby boy Hankes arrives. Come on, we had to have some anticipation in this.

So once again, we thank you all for being on this journey with us! Thank you for all the love and support we have received thus far. Watch out world, you won't be able to handle all the handsome-ness in this household.

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