Bumpdate | 22 Weeks

by - 3:31 PM

Starting weight: 110lbs
Weight now: 119lbs
Total weight gain: 9lbs

How far along? 22 weeks

Baby stats: Baby is the size of an ear of corn! About a foot tall and 1 pound.

Total weight gain: 9 pounds

Maternity clothes? Yes! Yesterday I tried to squeeze into a pair of my pre pregnancy shorts using the hair band trick and my belly band… It only took me about 10 minutes before I couldn’t breathe, baby boy was kicking and punching where the top of the shorts came, and I was taking them off. Even some of my shirts are getting too snug.

Stretch marks? Still no new ones since my previous pregnancies.

Anything making you queasy or sick? My prenatals make me a bit yucky feeling in the tummy, but I take them when I go to bed so it doesn’t affect me much. Other than that, I have pretty much been out of the queasy ballpark! Thank ya Jesus.

Sleep: It is getting uncomfortable to sleep. I feel like I’m constantly trying to find a position to stay comfortable in, so I should probably stop procrastinating and get a body pillow. (hint hint husband) I also still get up at least once a night to pee, old news.

Food cravings: Tacos. The whole time I was in Hawaii I just wanted tacos every single day.

Symptoms: I am still suffering from feeling faint. Some days are worse than others. Heartburn has picked up tremendously, I get at least 2-3 Braxton hicks a day whenever my bladder gets even slightly full, I notice if I’m on my feet all day they start to get a little fat, getting itchy dry patches on my belly on and off, still continuing to get acne, and my teeth have been super sensitive this past week.

Best moment this week: Well, since I took a bit of a break from updates I will have to say for the past 2 weeks. My husband sent me on a trip to Hawaii at 20 weeks to visit my sister. Literally paradise. At 21 and 22 weeks I have felt baby boy move from the outside so much, and it really makes my heart happy.

Miss anything? Beer and wine. I’ll just leave it at that. Also, laying on my belly. I was never a belly sleeper, but sometimes I liked to just lay on my belly and stretch out, and I find myself starting to miss that.

Movement? Oh yeah! He’s quite the active one in there, and I love being able to see and feel him from the outside now.

Gender: Baby Boy!

Labor Signs: We will get to this around 36 weeks.

Belly Button in or out? Out

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: My mood as been particularly happy. I still have moments of no-reason-sadness but that just comes with the job I guess.

Looking forward to: Our vacation to Connecticut in two weeks! Also all the activities to come with summer.

I have plenty of blog posts to come! Between going to Hawaii and trying to get adjusted being back, I decided to take a tiny break. I have my Hawaii trip to be shared, weekly bump dates from now on, baby buys, Connecticut trip, etc. coming to you guys so stay tuned, and thank you again for following along my little families journey!

At 20 weeks

 At 21 weeks


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