Bumpdate | 26 weeks

by - 3:20 PM

Starting weight: 110lbs
Weight now: 130lbs
Total weight gain: 20lbs 

How far along? 26 weeks

Baby stats: Baby is the size of a butternut squash! About 14 inches tall and 2 pounds.

Total weight gain: 20 pounds

Maternity clothes? No doubt about it. Even some of my maternity pants are starting to feel a bit snug.

Stretch marks? I found one new stretch mark during our up north vacation, and the minute I got home I purchased some coconut oil.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Pretty much out of the woods on this area, aside from most fishy products. gag.

Sleep: Good news, a couple weeks ago my sweet husband got me a body pillow, and it became much easier on my back to sleep. However, I am tossing and turning so much with crackling hips that it hasn’t become much easier to sleep. I wake up a couple times a night trying to position myself comfortably, and get up at least once to pee.

Food cravings: Still on a taco kick, y’all! I’ve also had a thing for guacamole lately, and the funny thing is I never cared for it before.

Symptoms: I have like a million braxton hicks a day it seems. Heartburn is becoming worse everyday. My hips are taking a beating. The acne has not given up and seems to be winning the war, as there is a new crater size zit on my chin with many pimples surrounding. I have had lots of lightning crotch, and if you don’t know what that is… well you don’t really want to know. All the present mamas I’m sure do know.

Best moment this week: Although the body parts taking up shop in my ribs are not the most comfortable, I would have to say the past few weeks this baby has turned into a dancing machine and I love feeling all those kicks and rolls! Also, I just had the most wonderful week long vacation with my husband and two boys, stay tuned for two separate blogs coming up before Friday with both my Hawaii trip and Connecticut/New York trip.

Miss Anything? I really wish I could take a nice long stretch out on my belly sometimes. I kind of miss fitting into my normal clothes, but other than that I am taking all the pregnancy joys in. Oh yea, and how about that wine?

Movement? Pretty sure we have an extreme kick boxer in there. He seems to favor the left spot of my belly, which has started to feel bruised and is sore to press on. I am also beginning to think this child may be quite long! When he stretches out I can feel him literally hitting my left hip and underneath my right ribs all at the same time. Ouch!

Gender: Baby Boy!

Labor Signs: We will get to this around 36 weeks.

Belly Button in or out? Not sure I have one of these anymore. Almost certain it has stretch so far out it’s become just apart of my ever growing belly.

Wedding rings on or off? On. Although, it was a bit of a struggle trying to pull it off yesterday to apply some lotion. I have noticed some swelling in my fingers and feet when I’ve been really active.

Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty happy aside from the occasional cry-for-no-good-reason moments, but I’m beginning to think that this will last for the remainder of my pregnancy. *sigh*

Looking forward to: Summer vacation! Today was Ryen’s last day of first grade and he officially starts summer break as of now! We have lots to do this summer, and I can’t wait. Also, business makes the time go so much faster, which means we will be meeting this little bundle of joy before we know it! We will be transitioning Silas into Ryen’s room hopefully by the end of the week, and starting on the nursery shortly after. Can’t wait.

Keep scrolling, you don't want to miss the difference a couple of weeks made! My belly has grown so much since my last blog!!

24 weeks in Connecticut!


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